Keep Getting Java Download Error Mac Os X

From Apple's Java FAQ: Q: When will Apple have an implementation of J2SE 1.4 available? A: A Java 1.4 Developer Preview was released at WWDC2002 to all seeded ADC members. This pre-release has only been qualified against the WWDC Jaguar seed, and has not been qualified against any other seeds/builds, including the final release of Mac OS X 10. 3 JavaFX Installation for Mac OS X. This page provides information about the installing the JavaFX 2.2 SDK on Mac OS X. The JavaFX 2.2 SDK for Mac is installed as part of JDK 7 update 6 for Mac.

  1. Keep Getting Java Download Error Mac Os X 10.10
  2. Java For Mac Os X
  3. Keep Getting Java Download Error Mac Os X64
  4. Java Os X
  5. Install Java For Mac
  6. Keep Getting Java Download Error Mac Os Xp

I would recommend you use Homebrew and a tool like jenv to manage the different Java versions on OSX: brew cask install java brew install jenv OSX needs its outdated system-default Java for the occasional task, so you don't want to go replacing it outright. If you strive to keep your Mac free of may want to forgo installing Java. Unless you absolutely need Java on your Mac, don't bother with it. And if you have to, get ready to de. Downgrade installations of Mac OS X (Mac OS X 10.5 and earlier). If you are running Mac OS X 10.5 or earlier, perform an Archive and Install of Mac OS X, and do not use Software Update to reinstall the same version of Mac OS X you were using, multiple applications can be affected. See 'Applications don't work after reinstalling Mac OS X.'

How to install Java


Update java mac os

Checking to see if Java is installed

For everyone:

  1. Open a terminal window (or a command prompt window if you are using Windows--NOT Cygwin)

  2. Type 'java -version' and press enter. Then, type 'javac -version' and press enter.

  3. For each of these you should see some text, and then the numbers '1.6.0_##'. (It doesn't really matter what's after the “_”, as long as the first part says 1.6.0). If you do, then you're all set for class.

  4. If you see numbers other than 1.6, or get an error message, follow the steps below to install Java on your computer.

Setting up Java 6 on PC and Mac

GettingKeep getting java download error mac os x 10.10

For PC (Windows and some Unix)


  1. 1.Go to:

  2. 2.In the Java Platform, Standard Edition box, click on the Download JDK button.

  3. 3.Click the 'Download' button under 'Download Java SE Develepment Kit'.

  4. 4.On the download page under the 'Platform' pull-down menu select 'Windows' if you have a 32-bit OS or 'Windows x64' if you have a 64-bit OS. Then click 'Continue'.

  5. 5.A download page will pop-up. Click on the file under 'Java SE Development Kit'.

  6. 6.Locate where you downloaded the installation file on your computer and double-click it to start installing.

  7. 7.Keep clicking Next until the installation is complete.

Keep getting java download error mac os x64

Setting the Path- Windows

  1. 1.Right-Click the Computer icon from the Start Menu or the Desktop and select Properties.

  2. 2.Go to the Advanced tab in XP (or click Advanced system settings in Vista) and click the Environment Variables button.

  3. 3.In the User variables for <name> section at the top, look for the variable Path (not PATH).

  4. 4.If the Path variable already exists, click Edit. If it doesn't exist, click New.
    Variable name: Path
    Variable value: Add YOUR_JAVA_BIN_PATH (should be ;C:Program FilesJavajdk1.6.0_17bin;. ) to the end
    (Make sure the path starts and ends with a ;.)

  5. 5.In the System Variables section, look for the variable CLASSPATH.

  6. 6.If the CLASSPATH variable already exists, click Edit. If it doesn't exist, click New.
    Variable name: CLASSPATH
    Variable value: Add ;. to the end, if it's not already there

  7. 7.Keep clicking OK until the System Properties window closes.

  8. 8.Close all open programs (you might have to restart) for these changes to take effect.

  9. 9.Now you should be able to compile programs with just 'javac' and run programs with 'java' without having to be in the java bin directory. Open a new terminal window and repeat the 'Checking to see if Java is installed' section to make sure everything works.

Keep Getting Java Download Error Mac Os X 10.10

For MAC OSX 10.5 (Leopard)

Java For Mac Os X

Keep Getting Java Download Error Mac Os X64

  1. 1.Updates to Java are included in Mac OS X's Software Updates. If you are running an old version of Java, you should use the Software Update tool to get the latest version.

  2. 2.Once you have updated, follow the instructions below for making Java 6 the default installation.

Java Os X

Install Java For Mac

Make Java 6 the Default

Keep Getting Java Download Error Mac Os Xp

  1. 1.Open the Java Preferences utility which can be found by going to /Applications/Utilities/ or doing a search for Java Preferences.

  2. 1.There should be two lists present in the Java Preferences window - the top one is labeled 'Java Applet Plugin' and the bottom one is labeled 'Java Applications'. In the bottom window, and drag the version named 'Java SE 6' to the top if it is not already so.

  3. 2.Exit Java Preferences.

  4. 3.Open a new terminal window and repeat the 'Checking to see if Java is installed' section to make sure everything works.